
BSafety Solutions, LLC

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Whether traveling for business or pleasure, guests expect a comfortable and relaxing setting. Most importantly, they expect their accommodation to be safe and clean. While most resorts strive to deliver an outstanding guest experience, mishaps and potential oversights can occur, potentially resulting in injuries to employees. When injuries occur, they are sometimes referred to as “resort torts” caused by resort negligence, the injured party may act against the facility.

With so many people visiting Hawaii each year, hotel injuries are, unfortunately, more prevalent in the Sunshine State. Here are five of the most common injuries that occur at resorts:

Slips and falls: Employees are generally responsible for keeping steps, sidewalks, hallways, and other traffic areas dry, well-lit, and free of debris that could cause someone to trip and fall. If ensuring a safe condition isn’t possible for whatever reason, employees should warn guests of potential hazards. Given the size and busy atmosphere of many resorts, it’s common for employees to struggle with rectifying dangerous conditions. This makes slip and fall incidents one of the most likely culprits of injuries at resorts.

Lifting/Handling: The second most common workplace injury is lifting accidents (22% of all non-fatal injuries). Injuries from lifting and handling heavy items tend to revolve around muscle strains, which include back pain, neck pain, arm pain, and leg pain. Each workplace should provide training in handling heavy goods, as well as relevant lifting techniques.

Falls: 7% of all non-fatal workplace accidents are fall related. Falling from heights to a lower level, ladders, scaffolding, or platform that isn’t at floor level, is the fourth most common non-fatal work accident. Falls are the third highest contributor to fatal injuries at 20%.

Hazardous Chemicals/Respiratory Protection: All reputable businesses within the hospitality industry will already have a strict cleaning regime in place. However, some of the chemicals used can be hazardous, and can cause injury to those who are handling them, if not careful. Bleach for instance, is a popular cleaning chemical, yet it can have harmful effects, such as burns and migraines. If your organization is using corrosive substances, it’s imperative you educate your staff on how to handle them safely. PPE such as gloves, face masks and long-sleeves should be used.

Hand Injuries: Knives are perhaps the most well-known danger within the hospitality industry, yet they still represent a serious health risk for employees. Cutting food and cleaning knives can both lead to painful cuts; and it’s essential that employees learn the importance of hand safety.

At BSafety Solutions, our comprehensive safety training programs are designed to be practical and useful for all employees. We can create custom safety programs to ensure your programs are setup to meet the needs of the working environment. We also offer safety consulting, assessments, audits, and implementations of programs to keep the workforce safe. If employee safety is a priority, please give us a call.

Thank you, Bob Barker, Masters in Occupational Safety and Health

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